
Comprehensive approach to costing cervical cancer prevention and control: a case study in the United Republic of Tanzania using the Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing (C4P) tool

Costs of delivering human papillomavirus vaccination using a one- or two-dose strategy in Tanzania

Decision Making and Implementation of the First Public Sector Introduction of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine-Navi Mumbai, India, 2018

Costs of continuing RTS,S/ASO1E malaria vaccination in the three malaria vaccine pilot implementation countries

Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Costing oral cholera vaccine delivery using a generic oral cholera vaccine delivery planning and costing tool (CholTool) Costing oral cholera vaccine delivery using a generic oral cholera vaccine delivery planning and costing tool (CholTool)

A Field Guide to Designing a Health Communication Strategy

Program cost analysis of influenza vaccination of health care workers in Albania

Social Marketing Comes of Age: A Brief History of the Community of Practice, Profession, and Related Associations, With Recommendations for Future Growth

Maternal influenza immunization in Malawi: Piloting a maternal influenza immunization program costing tool by examining a prospective program

A case study using the United Republic of Tanzania: Costing nationwide HPV vaccine delivery using the WHO Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing Tool

Reinventing the Corporation

A cost-effectiveness analysis of traditional and geographic information system-supported microplanning approaches for routine immunization program management in northern Nigeria

Scope and magnitude of private sector financing and provision of immunization in Benin, Malawi and Georgia

The impact and cost-effectiveness of controlling cholera through the use of oral cholera vaccines in urban Bangladesh: A disease modeling and economic analysis

A cost comparison of introducing and delivering pneumococcal, rotavirus and human papillomavirus vaccines in Rwanda

Scale Matters: A Cost-Outcome Analysis of an m-Health Intervention in Malawi


Costs of Introducing and Delivering HPV Vaccines in Low and Lower Middle Income Countries: Inputs for GAVI Policy on Introduction Grant Support to Countries

Costs faced by multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients during diagnosis and treatment. Report from a pilot study in Ethiopia.

The Burden of Cholera in Uganda

Strategy, Demand, Management, and Costs of an International Cholera Vaccine Stockpile

Oral cholera vaccines to control endemic disease: an economic and epidemiological modelling analysis

Health economics of rubella: A systematic review to assess the value of rubella vaccination

An economic evaluation of thermostable vaccines in Cambodia, Ghana and Bangladesh

The impact of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative on the financing of routine immunization: case studies in Bangladesh, C te d'Ivoire, and Morocco